
Solar Energy

Historical technical drawing of a parabolic mirror

Old and highly topical: creative minds developed ideas to use the sun as a source of energy.

Results: 7
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Search results:

Inventor: Pitre, Abel
Shelfmark: 34/001553
granted on: 1884-09-12
Inventor: Zimmermann, Friedrich Otto CorneliusBehrend, Elias Gottlieb
Shelfmark: 42/001471
granted on: 1892-06-11
Inventor: Tellier, Carl
Shelfmark: 36/000672
granted on: 1886-04-16
Inventor: Severy, Melvin
Shelfmark: 44/003065
granted on: 1894-04-19
Inventor: Foratti, Bartholomäus, Dr.
Shelfmark: 15/009429
granted on: 1861-06-21
Inventor: Klees, JosephManiak, Eugen
Shelfmark: 25/000868
granted on: 1875-10-25
Inventor: Bureau, M. A.
Shelfmark: 30/002027
granted on: 1880-10-13

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